KCRW Airplays

Here are all the songs given airplay time by KCRW DJs. The database updates every few minutes so if you're looking for the most recent play, sit tight.

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Song Artist Time Played Host
CHROMA 007 STEALL Bicep & Hammer October 08 at 9:29 pm Travis Holcombe
Homie Don’t Shake Fcukers October 08 at 9:26 pm Travis Holcombe
Eisbar (Thomaas Banks Edit) Grauzone October 08 at 9:22 pm Travis Holcombe
Blackberries Cold Cave October 08 at 9:17 pm Travis Holcombe
Paw of the Monkey cutouts October 08 at 9:13 pm Travis Holcombe
Love Is Over La Femme October 08 at 9:09 pm Travis Holcombe
Low Technique YACHT October 08 at 9:06 pm Travis Holcombe
AFV fantasy of a broken heart October 08 at 9:02 pm Travis Holcombe
Where's Jason's K Syclops October 08 at 8:56 pm Travis Holcombe
Ingo Swann Flying Lotus October 08 at 8:53 pm Travis Holcombe
Takoyaki Aili October 08 at 8:50 pm Travis Holcombe
So Get Up! (Feat. MINOVA & Michael Rault) Homer October 08 at 8:47 pm Travis Holcombe
Ring of Past Men I Trust October 08 at 8:43 pm Travis Holcombe
I Gave It All Up for You Les Big Byrd October 08 at 8:39 pm Travis Holcombe
Elephant (Todd Rundgren remix) Tame Impala October 08 at 8:34 pm Travis Holcombe
Ankh Temples October 08 at 8:30 pm Travis Holcombe
It’s Rough on Rats (If You’re Asking) Jack White October 08 at 8:26 pm Travis Holcombe
Plastic Future A Place to Bury Strangers October 08 at 8:23 pm Travis Holcombe
North Casual Sex October 08 at 8:20 pm Travis Holcombe
Viva La Tamla Motown The London Studio Group October 08 at 8:16 pm Travis Holcombe
Automatic Response The Mystery Lights October 08 at 8:12 pm Travis Holcombe
We Means We Starts Colin Newman October 08 at 8:08 pm Travis Holcombe
Sightseer Nation Of Language October 08 at 8:04 pm Travis Holcombe
I'll Try Anything Once ("You Only Live Once" demo) The Strokes October 08 at 8:00 pm Travis Holcombe
When You're Smiling ( The Whole World Smiles With You) Joaquin Phoenix October 07 at 11:29 pm José Galván
Displaying song plays 51 - 75 of 1491665 in total